Suddenly, on May 28th, we woke to discover that the Information Boards were already going up! All the boards on the railings were in place by 9am, speedily and efficiently erected by Neil and Len of (Fitzpatrick Woolmer Design from Rochester). (Neil applied the fixings, Len checked constantly with the spirit level; the boards faithfully follow the line of ground level rather than the undulations of the railings.)
Two of us were just able to catch the installation of the free-standing board on the Esplanade, which was naturally a longer job. The men could not dig down very far before hitting solid rock, so the footings had to be carefully prepared with ready-mixed cement and the board-supports shortened by an inch or so, with a power-assisted metal-cutter, to make them more secure. (“Stand back even further, darling, sparks are going to fly!”). Then, after a good deal more careful measuring with the spirit level, the last board was set firmly in place.
The Committee thanks the installers very much for their hard work, and now invites all members to take the “Board tour” for themselves!

Vanessa Minns and the new information boards have also been featured in The Argus, 23 June.