Please add your details below to join the Kemp Town Society. Please note this also subscribes you to the email newsletters about our news and events, however we will not pass your email address on to any other organisation. For more information please see our full privacy policy.

  • The minimum annual donation is £15 per resident household. Only one member can vote at the AGM on behalf of the household membership.
  • Payment is for the Calendar year effective January of each year. Only paid-up members can vote at the Annual General Meeting.
  • All owners of residences within the Estate are encouraged to participate in the Society to strengthen its voice and to take advantage of the multiple talents which are found among the residents themselves.
* indicates required

Membership payment *
Please confirm how you will make payment to the Kemp Town Society. Cheques should be sent to The Treasurer, Flat 1, 9 Sussex Square, Brighton, BN2 1FJ. For Standing orders and internet banking payments, our details are: Account number: 20907868, Sort code: 30-94-63. This will need to be set up by yourself independently.