Blue Plaque unveiling 18 November

In this centenary year of UK women first getting the Vote, there is a new scheme to honour the suffrage movement in Brighton. The Blue Plaque Panel chaired by Roger Amerena, a member of the Kemp Town Society, has approved four new blue plaques. The locations in Brighton include North Street Quadrant where the Women’s […]

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Exhibition for Outer Harbour Development

An exhibition is being held on: 4-8pm, Thursday 8 November 2018, 1-5pm Friday 8 November 2018 at Malmaison in Brighton Marina, BN2 5WA. The proposals will also be available to view and comment online from 8-23 November at

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Save Badgers Tennis Club

Badgers Tennis Club, just round the corner in Church Place, is under serious threat of closure as the land owners want to develop the site for housing. The Club has historic links to the Kemp Town Estate – it was founded in 1897 on land provided by the Marquis of Bristol shortly after the Kemp […]

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Conservation Advisory Group, October

Simon Smith standing in for Derek de Young. The first part of the meeting was taken up by a pre-application presentation on the Sackville Road Goodsyard site by MODA. The Development is intended to provide 600 homes as well as office space. The committee was pleased to note the reduction in height of the proposed […]

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Development News

At the Society’s AGM on May 12th Simon Smith, our chairman, gave a precis of our earlier meeting with Nick Hibberd, the Director of Economy, Environment and Culture on Brighton and Hove Council. Mr Hibberd ranged widely over developments that will interest members, so here are further details, updated as necessary. Nothing much has changed, […]

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Historic Photos

The following have been made available to the Kemp Town Society. Particular thanks go to René Dee of Chichester Terrace for the majority of the postcards.

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Brighton Youth Orchestra Concert

The Society held a Concert and Dinner on March 10th in St George’s Church Kemp Town with the Brighton Youth Orchestra and special guest Rachel Fryer. The programme included music from Holst, Glazunov, Finzi and Peter Compton and was supported by Encore. 60 members and their guests attended and much enjoyed hearing these talented young […]

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