Midsummer Night’s Drinks

The Midsummer Night’s Drinks, hosted by the Society in the North Garden on June 21st, began as an experiment to reduce the work involved in the annual Garden Party, but ended as a great success. The essential elements of the Garden Party were all there: a bar, run with wondrous efficiency by Debra Erskine and […]

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Kemptown Gasworks development refused by planning committee

Many thanks to all the many KTS members who submitted objections to the plans for development of the former Kemptown gasworks site near Black Rock and Brighton Marina. Here is a statement issued by Gary Wilkinson, one of the Kemptown councillors: “As a Kemptown Councillor I have spoken against the gasworks development and I am […]

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Ibiza proms moved from Black Rock

The Ibiza proms, which were planned to be held at Black Rock on Saturday 29th June, have relocated to Hove Lawns after it became clear that works being done by Southern Water at the site would not be completed in time. Full report in The Argus.

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KTS AGM 11th May 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Kemp Town Society was held at 10.30am on Saturday 11th May at the EFL School, 1-2 Sussex Square.The agenda was: Minutes to follow. Chairman’s report, Treasurer’s report, and minutes of the previous AGM are available below.

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Winter Photography winners
KTS photography competition winner - The Winner - Kemp Town Sunset by Simon Atkins

The KTS Winter Photography competition, entitled ‘Sun And Sea‘, brought a number of high quality entries from photographers who were able to shrug off the endless rain and grey skies of the season to capture striking images of the Estate. Our winning entry, from Simon Atkins, found a rare and beautiful moment of richly vivid […]

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KTS objection to revised gasworks proposals

St William Homes LLP have submitted an amended planning application for the 2-hectare former Brighton Gasworks site, and KTS has submitted a response to this. In brief, while we welcome the redevelopment of this land, we have concerns about the heritage aspects of this proposal, the design and height of some of the proposed buildings, […]

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Kemp Town Quiz 2024
Kemp Town Quiz 2024

The annual Kemp Town Quiz will be held on Friday March 1st 2024 at the EFL School, 1-2 Sussex Square. Once again we are fortunate to have engaged the services of Robert Snell as our quizmaster. There will be a licensed bar with snacks. Advance tickets (£10 per person) can be purchased from secretary@kemptown-society.org.uk, and […]

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200th anniversary garden party
Regency garden party

On Saturday June 24th 2023 we held a Regency themed garden party to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Kemp Town Estate. There was live music from The Patcham Silver Band and The Adur Concert Band along with other entertainments (including a special childrens’ area), and several stalls including a variety of food (prepared and […]

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Massive increase in parking charges abandoned

Many thanks to those of you who signed the petition against the plans of Brighton & Hove City Council that would have increased on-street parking charges by as much as 300% in some local areas (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c72rvqqen22o), and that would have had a serious impact on those working at or visiting the Royal Sussex County […]

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200th anniversary lectern unveiled
Vanessa Minns with the commemorative plaque

On Saturday 13th May 2023, members of KTS gathered on Marine Parade to witness the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to mark 200 years of the Kemp Town Estate, building of which commenced in 1824. The plaque, which was designed by local resident Vanessa Minns, was unveiled by Gavin Henderson and the ceremony was conducted […]

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KTS AGM 2023

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Kemp Town Society will be held at 10 am on Saturday 13th May 2023 at the EF Language School, 1-2 Sussex Square. With this in mind, the following documents are now available to view and/or download:

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The (other) secret garden

Just as the glorious restoration of the South Enclosure ‘Secret Garden’ nears completion (thanks in large part to the generosity of Michael Bedingfield, a Chichester Terrace resident), our neighbouring Kemptown Secret Garden has unveiled its own plans significantly to improve its facilities to allow greater year round public access and to expand the potential of […]

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Derek Granger 1921-2022

We were all much saddened by the death of Derek Granger in November 2022. He was a former chairman of KTS and a renowned television producer and writer, whose adaptation of ‘Brideshead Revisited’ is regarded as one of the finest TV dramas. Derek moved to Chichester Terrace in 1966 and, as KTS chairman, was stalwart […]

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Brighton Gasworks – KTS Submission to the Council
Brighton Gasworks aerial view showing boundary

BH2021/04167 – Brighton Gasworks Land Bounded By Roedean Road (B2066), Marina Way And Boundary Road Brighton BN2 5TJ – OBJECTION Comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment comprising site preparation and enabling works, demolition of existing buildings and structures; provision of new buildings comprising residential use (Use Class C3) and flexible non-residential floorspace (Use Class E), new private and […]

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Kemp Town Information Boards
Kemp Town

Presented at this year’s AGM, the Society is using the Alex Bruce Legacy to fund five (educational permanent A1 external) information boards featuring the history and construction of the Estate.  Four of the boards will be mounted on the railings outside the Gardens and one free-standing, near the cottages on the Esplanade.  The designs include images […]

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ePetition to clean up Kemptown

There is a petition running until 24 June on the Brighton and Hove City Council website. If it is signed by 1250 people it will be presented to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee on 25 June. The petition says: We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to focus on the enormous amount of […]

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Madeira Terrace Restoration – Collaboration Meeting 9 May 2019

Madeira Terrace is changing and this is your opportunity to be part of what happens next.  Brighton & Hove City Council has arranged a meeting on Thursday 9 May from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the BMECP Centre, 10A Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE. The council is at the beginning of taking forward the practicalities of the restoration […]

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Madeira Arches Meeting by the Regency Society

On Wednesday 7 November, the Regency Society organised an event on the condition of the Madeira Arches, how the problem has become so serious and what now needs to be done. As important, the future and how the arches might be when they have been restored. Around a hundred people attended the event, members of […]

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